Automobilia and Transport are two of the most popular modern collecting areas. We hold four dedicated Automobilia & Transport auctions each year and offer a free appraisal service as well as a free collection service for items consigned to our auctions.
Automobilia from the 'golden era' of motoring (spanning the inter-war and immediate post-war period) is the most sought-after by collectors. Enamelled signs, car mascots, motoring books, petrol pumps and globes, as well as vintage posters are all popular - particularly when they depict the great car makers and heroic drivers of the time. Automobilia with links to motorsport is always sought after, as are items that have links to pioneering cars and drivers - such as those the competing in important rallies and races.
Unfortunately, mass production of automobilia in more recent years (generally post 1960s) means that not all automobilia is valuable. Reproduction material has flooded the market - such as modern copies of 'enamel' signs - although attractive, modern reproductions will hold little or no appeal for collectors.
Transport is another collecting area growing in popularity - again it is often items from the inter-war period that hold the most interest and value for collectors.
If you are considering the sale of items, book a free valuation appointment or submit an online enquiry and our expert team will get back to you promptly. We offer a free collection service for items that are consigned to our auctions.
The knowledge and passion of our experienced automobilia auction team enables us to achieve top prices for our vendors. For a free, no-obligation valuation complete the form below or click to find out how to sell in our auctions.