These cards show a personal side to soldiers of WW1 and represent both sides. Included are three portrait postcards of German soldiers with inscriptions to the reverse of each.
One card ‘To My Dear Ones – A Soldiers Dream Home’ sent on the 15th September 1915 from a British soldier signed ‘Charlie’ to his mother Mrs R. Mason marked as ‘Urgent’ describes how fed up they all are with their current location but of rumour of them moving position. The wording of the card whilst adhering to censorship concerns seems ominous - as if the writer knows what awaits. He then devotes the rest of the writing area of the card to wishing all at home well, ‘Remember me to Mrs Lea and family and wish her the best of luck’ - ‘has Mrs Fawcett next door made that pair of socks yet’
Also of interest are two scrapbooks of WW1 newspaper cuttings compiled with great care possibly by an anxious relative of a soldier at the front. These two volumes illustrate what the British public would have read day to day about the proceedings of the war and are fascinating to look through.
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