Studio Pottery Auctions & Valuation

Studio pottery features regularly in our 20th Century Art & Design auctions, held 3 times a year. Our auctions feature works from some of the most sought after ceramicists including Lucie Rie, Martin Brothers, Gordon Baldwin and Clarice Cliff among others. Our studio pottery specialist will be happy to provide a valuation for any items submitted to oour auctions, particularly works from the more sought after ceramicists. 

Studio Pottery Auctions & Valuation

Studio pottery features regularly in our 20th Century Art & Design auctions, held 3 times a year. Our auctions feature works from some of the most sought after ceramicists including Lucie Rie, Martin Brothers, Gordon Baldwin and Clarice Cliff among others. Our studio pottery specialist will be happy to provide a valuation for any items submitted to oour auctions, particularly works from the more sought after ceramicists. 

Studio Pottery Overview


Studio Pottery takes ceramics away from the mass production of factories and industry and places it back into the workshop of the individual potter - the traditional working methods of the Chinese and Japanese potters caught the attention of the early 20th Century potters who desired a more 'artful' pottery and a shift away from mass production.

The Arts and Crafts movement of the 19th century is the roots of Studio Pottery with companies such as Martin Brothers attempting to produce unique works that demonstrated a high level of skill and process. 

Studio Pottery Auctions

Studio pottery features regularly in our 20th Century Art & Design auctions, held 3 times each year. You can find recent auction highlights in the section below.  

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Talk to our Studio Pottery specialist Chris Large if you would like a valuation - we can advise on anything from a single piece to large collections.

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Chris Large
+44 (0)1270 623878



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